Home Sweet Home (updated 03/28/2004 )

Will Sturgeon, his wife Tess and Seadog Sydney live aboard their Crown 39, Summer Sky in Vancouver, BC. I was interested in what modifications they have made to their boat in order to accommodate living aboard. Will was good enough to send me the following description and photos:

Go to your room As for changes to Summer Sky, we didn't do much for the first three years after we purchased her in 96, except replace the dodger, anchor, and install a diesel heater and a two blade maxi prop. She was our sixth boat, and the plan was for a bigger and more offshore appropriate final upgrade later, perhaps an Ingrid or Tayana, as I mentioned. Well, Life gets in the way sometimes, and one has to make the best of what is really not such a bad situation  living aboard on a pretty good vessel already. Once the mental sea change transpired, the changes came fast and furious. 

Projects pending are: 
